“Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.”
— Gordon Ramsay
Carbonara Scrambled Eggs

Carbonara Scrambled Eggs

Difficulty: Easy

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Serves: 2

Keto… A sad diet that deprives you of delicious carbohydrates like pasta, rice, and bread. I am currently forcing myself through this hell in order to “better my health”. Not too long after I started this self-torture, I began craving Carbonara, a decadent, and carb-heavy Roman pasta dish. While I obviously could’ve just cheated and made myself some Carbonara I began to realize that all of the other ingredients traditionally used in Carbonara are keto-friendly. Eggs, Bacon, and cheese were all things that I could have. And thus this dish was born! If you’re on a low carb or ketogenic diet, this recipe is definitely for you. This will scratch the itch for Carbonara without breaking your diet! 

Food Dictionary:

  • Carbonara: A creamy Italian pasta dish originating from Rome. A very simple recipe with only 5 ingredients: eggs, cheese (Pecorino Romano and/or Parmigiano-Reggiano), pasta, pepper and guanciale or pancetta.

  • Guanciale: Cured pork jowl.

  • Mise En Place: French for “everything in its place”; the culinary term for preparing ingredients in advance

  • Pancetta: A cured and rolled pork belly. Similar to Bacon but not smoked. 

The Recipe:


  • 5 Large Eggs

  • 3 Cloves of Garlic

  • 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes

  • 150 grams of thick-cut pancetta/guanciale

    • Alt: If you cannot find pancetta or guanciale, thick-cut bacon will work just fine. 

  • 100 grams or 4oz of finely grated Parmigiano and/or pecorino

  • Freshly cracked black pepper to taste 

  • 3 tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar (reduction)

The Process:

  1. Start by getting your mise en place ready by preparing all your ingredients. Cube your Guanciale/Pancetta. Slice your Garlic, grate your cheese(s), beat your eggs, and measure out your ingredients. 

  2. Place your cubed Cuancial/pancetta into a cold, medium-sized nonstick pan and turn the burner on medium heat. 

  3. Cook the pancetta until it is about 80% done and then reduce your heat to medium-low.

  4. Add in your garlic and red pepper flakes and toast for about 5 minutes.

  5. Add your cheese(s) into the egg and mix until smooth. 

  6. Turn the heat down to low and add in your eggs, stirring occasionally to let the eggs set while also creating folds and ribbons. 

  7. Cook the eggs gently for 4 minutes switching from medium heat to low heat depending on how fast the eggs cook.

  8. Season with pepper right before the eggs become set and remove to a plate.

  9. Wipe down the pan and add in the balsamic vinegar and turn the heat up to high. Reduce the balsamic vinegar by half and drizzle on top of the eggs. 

  10. Serve and Enjoy. 

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